Covid-19 Hero


COVID-19 – Health and safety protocol


This protocol provides guidelines for the use of Inter College Business School’s premises when teaching the essential practical component of the courses. We will accompany you every step of the way, but we need your collaboration.

General Protocol for Students

Important information for students & prospective students regarding Coronavirus

IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam is closely monitoring the current COVID-19 pandemic and is taking measures to ensure the health of our students and staff. Please read through the information provided below to find out more about the current situation and the actions we are taking atIC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam.

IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam welcomes students and staff from around the world to the Netherlands, and they are an integral part of our unique international community. We are stronger together!

The health, welfare, and safety of students and staff is the number one priority forIC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam. IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam is closely monitoring the still developing COVID-19 pandemic and is taking measures to ensure the health of our students and staff. Please read through the information provided below to find out more about the current situation and the actions we are taking at IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam.

We understand that students and staff may be worried about friends and family members in the Netherlands and affected areas around the world; our thoughts go out to all those affected by this outbreak.

IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam is a community of staff and students that will do everything possible to support each other. We understand that students may need additional support throughout this difficult time, therefore we encourage students to contact our Backoffice or Student Support Team on +31 20 675 85 67.

Where can I find more information about Covid-19 and the situation in the Netherlands?

The Dutch Ministry of Health provides information on Covid-19 here.

You will find information for example on coronaviruses in general, on recognizing symptoms of Covid-19, on testing, on prevention of infection, and on the organization and changes to everyday life in the Netherlands.

The RIVM Institute, the government’s central scientific institution in the field of biomedicine and of the most important bodies for the safeguarding of public health in the Netherlands, also provides information and status updates about the situation in the Netherlands here.

What are the rules on campus?

You are required to wear a mask on campus and keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters at all times. Masks can only be removed once you are in your designated seat in the classroom.

Group meetings outside of class and physical contact (e.g. hugging or shaking hands) are not allowed.

You are NOT allowed on campus: If you have symptoms of an acute respiratory disease or with general flu-like symptoms (cough, loss of sense of taste and smell, colds, fever). The most common symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, rhinitis, loss of sense of smell and/or taste, pneumonia. Other symptoms may also occur Sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, skin rash, swelling of lymph nodes, apathy, somnolence.

While on campus, in addition to wearing a mask and keeping a distance of at least 1.5 meters, remember to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, and at least 20-30 seconds, with soap. 

What should I do if I feel sick and think might have been affected?

If you have had personal contact with a person who was laboratory-confirmed as carrying the novel coronavirus, get in touch with your local public health office immediately, regardless of symptoms. They will then decide on a further course of action. In general: you should stay at home and reduce the number of people with whom you are in personal contact. Observe the sneezing and coughing etiquette, adhere to the recommended minimum distance of 1.5 meters from other people and wear a face mask when out in public places.

Remember that you are not allowed on campus while you have symptoms of an acute respiratory disease or with general flu-like symptoms (cough, loss of sense of taste and smell, colds, fever).

What steps is IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam taking to protect current and future students from COVID-19?

IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam is strictly following the advice of the Dutch government to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and is taking measures to ensure the health of our students and staff.

  • Social distancing throughout the campus. One-way systems implemented where possible.
  • Classrooms are set up to ensure there is a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between students, and students, and staff.
  • Masks are required at all times and can only be taken off if students are at their designated seats in the classroom.
  • Numerous hand sanitizing stations are provided throughout the campus, in addition to the regular sinks for handwashing.
  • Meetings and appointments outside of class are to be held virtually or over the phone.

We will update students on a regular basis so please check our website and your student email regularly.

Medical care

Contact your public health provider or a local general practitioner if you:

  • Feel unwell or have any of the following symptoms: cough, sneezing, infection-related shortness of breath, fever.
  • Have any medical problems that could affect your compliance with quarantine.
  • Need any medication or medical treatment for another or existing medical condition.

What is a virtual classroom?

Virtual classrooms are a feature of blended learning options at IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam. A virtual classroom features a tutor delivering a lecture or seminar live, and real-time interaction between students. Students can ask questions either verbally or in the chat feature, and work in break-out groups and deliver presentations to the class.

What happens if I start my course on campus and the campus has to close?

In this case, your programme will not be disrupted and will continue to run via Online Streaming.

How do I apply to a programme?

Applying for a programme couldn’t be easier! All you need to do is fill out an enquiry form for your chosen programme and one of our consultants will get in touch with you.

Is ICBS relying on self-reporting or are you trying to identify people at risk?

We are identifying and communicating directly with all staff and students, providing them with advice specific to their circumstances.

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Career Opportunities After a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree opens the door to a multitude of career opportunities in the business world. Whether you’re interested in marketing, finance, human resources, or entrepreneurship, a BBA provides the essential skills and knowledge needed to succeed in various industries. This guide explores the career opportunities after BBA and how graduates can leverage their degrees to achieve professional success.
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